Sex Scandal Sizzles the Blogosphere

by | May 29, 2004

Wired is running an interesting piece on Nick Denton, the publisher of Gawker, Gizmodo, Fleshbot, and Wonkette. Of the four, Wonkette strikes me as most entertaining. Denton found Nebraska native, Ana Marie Cox, a.k.a. The Antic Muse, a self-described “failed journalist” to tackle the gossip beat in Washington, D.C.

Cox seems up to the task, as Wonkette recently outed Jessica Cutler, a Capitol Hill vixen and author of the now defunt blog, Washingtonienne. Cutler used the blog to detail her sexual conquests. She provided lurid notes on the daily shuffling of her deck of men, including the kinky acts she would sometimes perform for them for money. Upon being discovered, she was, needless to say, dismissed from her Senate job for “improper use of Congressional computers.”

Cox and Cutler (on right) looking suspicious, maybe even scandalous.