I thought the phone might ring and it did ring. Milt, on his way to the airport in Denver, called to say he and Bonesy were on their way to Chicago to catch Phil for two nights at The Riv in Uptown. Redman had also flown in from Seattle and left a message on my cellee. Time to step up. Time to like Phil again. Milt left a ticket for me at the door–since I had class downtown until 9:30 p.m.–and it was hard to turn away from that type of gracious invite. Plus, I wanted to see my friends, more than Phil’s friends, per se. I saw the second set and the entire show Friday night and was satisfied. On Friday we ate lunch downtown at a Thai place and this little old lady sitting next to us tried hard to figure us out and eventually asked us what our deal was. When she learned that 3 of the 4 of us had flown in to see Phil, she like most “civilians” was incredulous over things the Milts never think twice about.