Writers of literary works say don’t go chasing an audience. Don’t picture the reader in your mind. Just focus on the story and serve the story. Basically, the exact opposite of how copywriters work. The best copywriters are obsessed with reaching members of a...
My Presentation to Advertising & PR Students at the University of Texas
I was invited to speak to undergraduates at the Stan Richards School of Advertising & PR at the University of Texas. The invite came from the Association of National Advertisers in New York City. The suggested topic for this guest lecture was "My Work as a...
RFPs Are a Waste of Precious Time
There’s a wealth of highly specialized marketing talent available to brands today, but few brand managers know exactly where to look to find a good fit for their most pressing needs. Sure, the brand manager may read the trades — and maybe she has a robust network of...
For Better Results, Understand the Relationships Between Creativity, Productivity, and Accountability
People are being asked to do more with less. In the ad agency business, this has been going on since the first days of Digital Disruption. Today, with COVID-19 raging across the land and the globe, so-called “thought workers” who can work from home are doing so, but...
Ad Legends Who Shaped the Modern Craft of Advertising
TikTok challenges, retargeting ads, GDPR, crypto, and cookies? Is this the advertising business that we inhabit today? It feels foreign and disorienting. It's not that the pace of change is too great. It's that we refuse to pause and assess the value of the shiny new...